Thursday, November 11, 2010

Why isn't that development world class?

There are a number of developments around the Otways where my recommendations as a geomorphical planner and risk analyst in the public interest were deliberately not brought to Council's attention . The result was a very second rate outcome. To be fair to those still with investments there, this matter is now private . But the development is big enough. It could have been outstanding with little extra cost ----and not threatened as it is now by the possibility of being duplicated elsewhere.
A warning to all those Councillors who, when a big development comes along,don't accept that it MUST fit in WELL with an ENVIRONMENT we locals know best. For the benefit of readers the development i am referring to here is the Otway Fly.I won't leave the reference to it here for long: only long enough for ratepayers to realize that our Council is not prepared to really find out whether applications on its desk are really well thought through . For all its value, the Otway Fly could have been world class, if the plan was "as advised." approved largely as presented .


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